New Hope Bay

Assisted Living Bay City MI

An all-inclusive senior living community featuring apartments dedicated to independent living, assisted living, and memory care.

Learn more below.



new hope bay assisted living

All-Inclusive Care at an

Affordable Price


Care at an

Affordable Price

At New Hope Bay, all of our residents personal care costs are included in our monthly price. This eliminates confusion and barriers to service. We focus 100% on your loved ones care to ensure you are getting the value you are paying for and expect.

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A Higher Standard

New Hope Bay Assisted Living & Memory Care Community offers a wholesome living alternative for residents who are in need of constant care. New Hope Bay embraces the resident-directed care model, and aims to meet the physical, spiritual, social, emotional and intellectual needs of our residents. Our mission is to create a stimulating yet safe and comfortable environment for all in our home.

With 150 cumulative years of direct and indirect resident care experience, our owners have developed an assisted care community that offers residents a dignified and nurturing home experience.

senior living in bay city, mi

Thriving Communities

new hope bay assisted living bay city michigan

Assisted Living
Our community prides itself on resident-centered care, focusing all we do on the happiness, health, and well-being of our residents.

Independent Living
Our full-service independent living community gives retirees a lifestyle free from the worries of home maintenance in a beautiful secure setting.

Enhanced Independent Living
From our completely independent option through our all-inclusive assisted living option, our enhanced option is the perfect transition.

Memory Care
Our memory care community has 24 hour supervision, a secure premises, and is fully equipped to care for its members who have cognitive issues.

Enhanced Memory Care
Our enhanced memory care community cares for residents who are living with advanced dementia. This enables an appropriate level of care with secure access measures to keep residents safe.

Floor plans

Assisted living apartments at New Hope Bay are the largest in the area! Residents have the option to have an assisted living apartment with a sliding door and personal porch adjacent our beautiful courtyard. Community areas include a spacious dining room, sun room, salon, living room, fitness area, large interior courtyard and many other unique amenities. New Hope even offers a two bedroom option for those who want a true homelike experience.

New Hope Bay offers five all inclusive unique care communities; Assisted Living, Independent Living, Enhanced Independent Living, Memory Care, and Enhanced Memory Care. These range from those looking for living assistance and community to those stricken with cognitive or mobility issues. See floor plans by clicking/tapping on the floor plan you wish to view.

News & Events

Communication is so so helpful

“We really, really appreciate the updates. Talking to mom this morning I surmised what might be going on but as you know her info is not always reliable. Communication is so so helpful and comforting. Thank you and we will keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers.”

put a smile on Mom’s face

“The Housekeeping and Laundry Staff take pride in keeping everything clean and presentable, just the way Mom Likes it.  Compassionate Care Givers take exceptional care of all Mom’s personal needs and routinely check on her to see how’s she’s doing. They always know how to put a smile on Mom’s face.”

Love, love, love

“What stands out in my mind at NHB is the staff. From the first day I walked in, I was struck by everyone having a smile on their face and a willingness to help not only the residents and their families but each other also. For our family,that was an indicator of the environment at NHB. If staff is happy and content than consequently the residents will be.  Love, love, love that it is an all inclusive residence. NHB is very well priced for everything that they offer. Rooms are large and well cared for, laundry and cleaning, hair salon and well prepared food.”

Mom is in Good Hands

“I can’t imagine a better Home for My Mom, you are without a doubt her family and have always been there to go the extra mile for me also. Your facilities it self is a “Class Act” along with Mike The Chef and his staff for best food around! I have gotten to know quite a few members of your staff and always feel like Mom is in Good Hands!”

above and beyond

“Both of my Grandparents on my mom’s side, as well as my Grandfather on my father’s side, have been in the care of this amazing place they called home. The staff have become nothing but family to our loved ones because of the care and love they’ve shown in even the hardest of times. Every staff member, from the management, to the chef to the ones that have direct contact, EVERY single person there goes above and beyond what is needed.”

quality of life

“It’s comforting to know that our Mom is safe and secure and is treated as an individual with respect, dignity and compassion by a warm and caring Staff. Thanks to New Hope Bay, Mom has been given the quality of life we had hoped for.”

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